Human Trafficking Task Force

How to Get Help:  Contact the National Human Trafficking Hotline 1-888-3737-888 — or Text INFO or HELP to BeFree (233733)

Toolkit for Serving Victims of Trafficking in Ohio

As public awareness grows, more victims are identified, and the tactics of traffickers evolve, our tools must also evolve to respond to the needs of victims and environment in which we are serving them. This toolkit serves as a framework and compilation of tools developed by our Task Force, the Ohio Network of Anti-Human Trafficking Coalitions, the Ohio Human Trafficking Commission and other resources created by federal and grassroots partners. The documents here are intended to provide a victim-centered framework for Ohio’s service providers and coalitions as they work to assist survivors in their own communities.

If your community is in the beginning of stages of forming a Rescue and Restore Coalition or is new to serving victims, we strongly recommend starting with a needs assessment. A needs assessment is simply taking an organized look at what strengths and resources exist in your community to address the issue of human trafficking, assessing who in your community is already providing prevention or response services, and determining whether there are gaps. In the “Additional Resources” section, you can find a link to the US Department of Justice’s Guide to Conducting a Needs Assessment. Once you have completed a needs assessment, you will begin to see how these tools can assist your coalition or community’s response efforts and help ensure excellent service standards for trafficking survivors.

Human Trafficking Screening Tools