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Guiding sample protocols and procedures

Guidance for Media Utilization

This outreach video was developed through the U.S. Department of Health and Human Services Grant No. 90ZV0116 in partnership with Ohio Latino TV, The Salvation Army of Central Ohio, the Northwest Ohio Rescue & Restore Coalition, Crime Victim Services and the Office of Criminal Justice Services.

This interview was filmed and produced by Ohio Latino TV, an online media outlet built to reach Latino communities in Ohio. The video features Raven Cruz Loaiza, Outreach Coordinator at Crime Victim Services in Lima, Ohio. Crime Victim Services is a formal Local Outreach Partner of the Lucas County Human Trafficking Coalition through the U.S. Department of Health and Human Services Human Trafficking Grant No. 90ZV0116.

Guidance for Conducting Outreach to:

Day Laborers

The following guidance was developed in partnership with Mosaic Family Services and the North Texas Coalition Against Human Trafficking. Kristen Ruhnke, Human Trafficking Outreach Coordinator for Mosaic Family Services says “conducting outreach at day laborer sites has been very rewarding and one of the most effective ways of reaching at-risk populations.”

Note: When planning outreach activities, consult agencies already working with the target population to determine the best approach for the respective community. Working in conjunction with agencies that provide services, like legal or medical care, can help your agency gain a better understanding of the needs and challenges faced by the population and can inform how your agency performs outreach.

Migrant Farm Workers

The following guidance was developed in partnership with the Ohio Department of Job and Family Services in Seneca County, the Ohio Migrant Education Center and ABLE.

When planning outreach activities, consult agencies already working with the target population to determine the best approach for the respective community. Working in conjunction with agencies that provide services, like legal or medical care, can help your agency gain a better understanding of the needs and challenges faced by the population and can inform how your agency performs outreach. Many of these organizations have a legal right to enter the camp to provide services. If the outreach team is not allowed on-sight, provide the community agencies that do have access with human trafficking materials.


Amy LaGesse, The Lucas County Human Trafficking Coalition
Maria Cruz-Lucio, Ohio Department of Job and Family Services
Eugenio Mollo, ABLE
Dr. Jose Salinas, Ohio Migrant Education Center
Kristen Ruhnke, Mosaic Family Services
Bhumika Patel, The Salvation Army of Greater Cincinnati (End Slavery Cincinnati)